a m b e r

Guardrails & Controls

Handle Dynamic Data

Make LLMs work on
your business data

Drastically reduce down the hallucination, bias to be faithful with custom facts & figures!

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5 Lines of Code

To build better AI
apps on your data


Platform that does the heavy-lifting for you


Reason to adopt Amber #1

Reduced Hallucination

  • Relevancy

    Better over
    FineTuning & Langchain

  • Tokens

    Lower than
    existing systems

Reason to adopt Amber #2

Handling Changing Data

  • Hours

    Could be saved
    over finetuning

  • Cost

    Saved over
    token consumption

Reason to adopt Amber #3

Robust Guardrailing

Early adopters have saved considerable model experimentation time by using Amber's inbuilt guardrails!

Reason to adopt Amber #4

Production Ready

  • Terabyte Volume

    of Contextual Data

  • Multi LLM Support

    of Business's choice

Ways to build using Amber

How can your company implement grounded Gen AI applications?

Use Cases

Check out use-cases in our playground

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Talk to a Retrival and FineTuning research paper about its technicalities, experiments and outcome.

Research Paper

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There are a lot of rules in Cricket and every combination of player + situation can result into varied regulations.

International Cricket Rules

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Sir Richard Feynman delivered a lecture series on Physics at CalTech. Learn & Ask questions to the man himself!

Lectures on Physics

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How do we solve for
Domain-Specific cases?

Fine-tune the retrievals for your specific-industry / domain by calling just two-lines of code in Amber v2.0 API. Our data-centric AI supports curated industry-specific outputs on minimal training while being all production-ready!

Aiming for Optimal Performance

Compare the naked models


Fine Tuning + GPT 3.5 Turbo

3/5   Relevancy Score

  • Domain Specificity
  • High Costs
  • No dynamic Data handling

Langchain Based RAG

Commonly Adopted LlamaIndex RAG
+ GPT 3.5 Turbo

3/5   Relevancy Score

  • Baseline Retrivals
  • High Token Usage
  • Good for prototyping

Amber API v1.0

Amber API + GPT 3.5 Turbo

4/5   Relevancy Score

  • SOTA retrievals
  • Optimal Token Usage
  • Production Grade
Try Playground

WHAT OUR early adopters HAVE TO SAY

“Using Amber AI's API was a game-changer for our startup. It streamlined our data processes, making our product more efficient and user-friendly while having less to none deployment challenges. Truly a lifesaver for early-stage companies like ours!”
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Suhail Joo
Pullse AI

“Given the enormous data that we had, building a smart application like TradeGPT could have taken us months, while resolving the every complex use-case. Using Amber's capabilities made our tech team's life much more easier.”
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Shubham Jain